Your Marketplace Solution on AWS

A CloudCrafted Solution


A look into streamlined marketplace web hosting with our AWS solutions. Experience reliable, scalable, and secure infrastructure tailored for peak traffic. Say goodbye to idle hardware costs and hello to optimized capital use, aligning IT costs with your marketplace’s dynamic traffic patterns in real-time.

Architecture Diagram

Basic Overview of Services Used

Route 53: We can think of it like a phonebook, translating user-friendly domain names (e.g., “ “ into the specific IP addresses of your resources, ensuring users reach the right place. 

This precise translation ensures optimal routing to the corresponding CloudFront distribution, thereby enhancing the accessibility and reliability of our marketplace.

CloudFront: The role of Amazon CloudFront, our designated Content Delivery Network (CDN), cannot be overstated. By strategically caching static content like images and scripts in proximity to global users, CloudFront significantly mitigates latency, resulting in a improved website performance. This strategic deployment ensures a responsive and efficient marketplace experience for users worldwide.

CloudFront speeds up our marketplace for users around the world by storing pictures and scripts closer to them. This means faster loading times for images and pages, making the overall shopping experience smoother and more enjoyable.

Web Application Firewall (WAF): Positioned ahead of the CloudFront distribution, our AWS WAF instances function as a robust security perimeter. Their role involves actively filtering and intercepting malicious traffic before it reaches our application, effectively thwarting common web threats such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). This proactive security stance fortifies the overall resilience of our marketplace.

WAF keeps our marketplace safe from online threats by blocking harmful traffic before it reaches our site. It’s like having a security guard at the entrance, ensuring a secure environment for users to browse and make purchases without worrying about cyber attacks.

Amazon Shield: The security landscape of our marketplace is fortified by Amazon Shield, offering robust protection against Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. By preemptively filtering out malicious traffic, Shield acts as a frontline defense, preventing disruptive attacks from compromising the availability and stability of our AWS resources. This service is integral to maintaining uninterrupted operations even under the specter of large-scale DDoS attacks.

 Shield protects our marketplace from big cyber attacks that could slow down or even shut down our website. It’s like a shield against the bad guys, making sure our online store stays up and running, no matter what.

VPC: Beneath the protective layers of the WAFs and CloudFront lies our Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), a dedicated and secure enclave within the AWS cloud. Serving as the controlled environment for our marketplace resources, the VPC ensures the confidentiality and integrity of our application’s data.

VPC creates a secure space for our marketplace resources, keeping our data safe and separate from other online activities. It’s like having a private room for our business operations, ensuring confidentiality and control over our information.

Public Subnets: Within the VPC, meticulously positioned public subnets, distributed across different Availability Zones (AZ), play host to critical components such as the Application Load Balancer and the NAT Gateway. These subnets facilitate the secure ingress of internet traffic to our application servers, ensuring efficiency and resilience.

Public subnets help internet traffic reach our marketplace servers, ensuring a smooth connection for users. They act as entry points, making it possible for customers to access our website and browse through products effortlessly.

Application Load Balancer: Strategically placed in public subnets, the Application Load Balancer orchestrates the distribution of incoming traffic across multiple EC2 instances within our Auto Scaling group. This intelligent load balancing mechanism ensures high availability and scalability, optimizing the overall performance and responsiveness of our marketplace.

The Load Balancer spreads incoming traffic across multiple servers, making sure our website doesn’t get overwhelmed during busy times. It’s like having multiple cashiers at a store, preventing long lines and ensuring everyone gets served quickly.

NAT Gateway: Serving a pivotal role in the architecture, the NAT Gateway empowers instances in private subnets to initiate outbound connections to the internet while fortifying against inbound connections. This dual function ensures a secure and controlled data flow, safeguarding our marketplace from unauthorized access.

NAT Gateway allows our private servers to connect to the internet securely, like processing online orders or updates. It’s like a controlled gateway, letting our internal systems communicate with the outside world while keeping unwanted visitors out.

Private Subnets: Nestled within the secure confines of the VPC, private subnets in distinct AZs house our EC2 instances responsible for executing the marketplace code. Shielded from the public internet, these subnets guarantee the confidentiality of sensitive data and reinforce the overall security posture of our application.

Private subnets protect our sensitive information by keeping our application servers away from direct internet access. They act as a shield, ensuring that customer data and business operations remain private and secure.

Auto Scaling Group: At the core of our operational efficiency lies the Auto Scaling Group, a dynamic service automating the provisioning and management of EC2 instances based on demand. This sophisticated orchestration ensures optimal resource utilization, enabling our marketplace to seamlessly handle fluctuating traffic volumes without manual intervention in server management.

 The Auto Scaling Group ensures our website can handle more customers during busy periods and reduces resources during slow times. It’s like having enough staff to handle the crowd during a sale and fewer when it’s quieter, ensuring efficient resource usage.

:Amazon RDS For our database needs, we leverage Amazon RDS to manage our relational databases with ease. The primary RDS instance handles the read-write operations, ensuring robust performance for transactional queries. Meanwhile, the secondary RDS instance (or read replica) supports read-heavy operations, helping to distribute the load and enhance query performance. This setup not only improves database scalability but also provides a failover mechanism, ensuring high availability and disaster recovery.

Scalability and Performance

Our marketplace architecture is designed to seamlessly handle changes in demand, prioritizing horizontal scaling for adaptability. The utilization of an Auto Scaling group, which dynamically adjusts the number of EC2 instances based on metrics like CPU utilization, ensures your marketplace application efficiently scales up or down to meet varying workloads.

To enhance performance, we’ve implemented CloudFront caching for static content. This involves storing static elements like images and scripts at CloudFront edge locations, effectively reducing the load on origin servers (EC2 instances). This optimization translates to improved responsiveness, offering users, especially those scattered across different locations, a superior browsing and shopping experience.

The Application Load Balancer plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal performance. It evenly distributes incoming traffic across healthy EC2 instances, preventing any single instance from becoming overloaded. This balanced distribution ensures a consistently responsive marketplace, even during peak times or when dealing with fluctuations in user activity.

For marketplace examples, consider platforms like Amazon, eBay. These e-commerce giants handle diverse and unpredictable user traffic, relying on scalable and performant architectures to deliver a smooth shopping experience. Similarly our architecture ensures your marketplace is well-equipped to handle growth and deliver top-notch performance to users.

Security Measures

Security: Overall, this architecture incorporates multiple security measures to protect your application, including:

  1. WAFs: filtering and blocking malicious traffic
  2. CloudFront: reducing the attack surface by serving static content from edge locations
  3. Shield: protecting against DDoS attacks
  4. VPC: isolating your application’s resources in a private cloud
  5. NAT Gateway: restricting inbound connections to your application servers
  6. Private subnets: further securing your EC2 instances

Cost Optimization

Compute Costs:

Right-size EC2 instances: We analyze CPU, memory, and network usage to identify underutilized instances and downsize them. This could save 20-40% on compute costs.

Utilize Spot Instances: we can consider replacing some instances with Spot Instances, which offer significant discounts (up to 90% off On-Demand prices). However, we should be prepared for potential interruptions.

Reserved Instances: If predictable workloads exist, we can consider Reserved Instances for a 75% discount compared to On-Demand pricing.

Graviton instances: We can also utilize Arm-based Graviton instances for cost-effective performance, offering up to 34% better price-performance compared to x86 instances.

Storage Costs:

Storage lifecycle management: We implement lifecycle rules to automatically transition less active data to lower-cost storage tiers like Amazon S3 Glacier, saving 50-70% on storage costs.

EBS volume optimization: We analyze EBS volume sizes and identify opportunities to downsize or delete unused volumes. This could save 10-20% on storage costs.

Networking Costs:

Optimize data transfer: We analyze data transfer patterns and consider using AWS Transit Gateway and PrivateLink to reduce internet data transfer costs by up to 50%.

Utilize CloudFront efficient distribution: We configure CloudFront caching and origin shield to minimize unnecessary data transfers from the origin server.

Other Cost-saving Strategies:

Utilize AWS Savings Plans: We can also commit to specific upfront costs for sustained use of EC2, RDS, and other services, achieving up to 75% discounts compared to On-Demand pricing.

Implement AWS Cost Explorer: We analyze cost trends, identify cost anomalies, and make informed decisions based on detailed cost reports.

Enable Reserved Instance Marketplace: We can also sell unused Reserved Instances to other AWS users just if the condition comes.

By implementing these strategies, we could potentially achieve 20-50% cost reduction in the overall architecture. The actual savings will depend on specific usage patterns and configuration choices.

Adaptive Infrastructure to your Application needs

While the NAT Gateway allows outbound connections, it can introduce a performance bottleneck for frequent outbound communication. We can consider using an internet gateway in a public subnet for applications requiring high outbound bandwidth, thus Architecture can be varied according to your Application needs.

Additional Considerations

  • Depending on the chosen database, we can apply scaling strategies like read replicas or sharding that are necessary for horizontal scaling.
  • Proper configuration of the Auto Scaling group is crucial. We define appropriate scaling policies, cool-down periods, and instance types based on your application’s workload and performance requirements.
  • We consider using Spot Instances in the Auto Scaling group for cost savings, being aware of potential interruptions.

For a more comprehensive assessment, we would

  • Analyze the application’s specific requirements and workload patterns.
  • Recommend specific AWS services and configurations tailored to the application’s needs.
  • Conduct performance testing and cost optimization analysis.
  • Provide guidance on implementing best practices for security, reliability, and maintainability.

Adapting to Microservices Docker Kubernetes Architecture

In response to evolving marketplace demands, we  can also seamlessly integrate a microservices architecture using Docker containers and Kubernetes. This modular approach enhances flexibility, scalability, and deployment speed.

Adapting the Infrastructure:

  • Replace or complement EC2 instances with Docker containers for microservices.
  • Integrate Kubernetes clusters in the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for orchestration.
  • Consider service mesh implementation for advanced communication management.
  • Evaluate containerized or managed databases based on microservices principles.

This adaptive approach ensures your AWS environment remains agile, meeting the specific needs of your marketplace application while maintaining operational efficiency.

Monitoring Setup

In addition to the well thought infrastructure, our marketplace solution includes a monitoring setup for quick issue resolution.

Overview of Monitoring Tools

We leverage a suite of powerful tools, including Loki, Grafana, and Prometheus, to provide real-time insights and detailed metrics.

Monitoring Node:

Loki: A log aggregation system that collects and stores logs from various sources.

Grafana: A visualization tool that creates interactive and detailed dashboards for monitoring.

Prometheus: A metrics collection and querying system designed for reliability and scalability.

Application Instances:

Promtail: Runs on each EC2 instance where the application is hosted, sending logs to Loki for centralized log management.

Node Exporter: Also runs on the EC2 instances, collecting and sending system metrics to Prometheus for detailed analysis.

This monitoring setup ensures that logs and metrics from your application are systematically collected and analyzed, enabling maintenance and rapid troubleshooting.

Alerting with Grafana

We can set up alerts in Grafana to send email notifications for critical issues like high CPU usage or 5xx errors from logs. This ensures your team is immediately aware of potential problems and can take prompt action to maintain the health and performance of your marketplace.

For more in-depth information, please refer to our detailed blog on monitoring.


In summary, sky’s the limit. Our CloudCrafted AWS solution offers a robust, scalable, and secure infrastructure for hosting your marketplace. 

And we can seamlessly transition to a microservices architecture if your application demands evolve. This ensures your marketplace remains agile and well-equipped to meet the challenges of dynamic business environments. Also the comprehensive monitoring and alerting setup ensures real-time insights and rapid issue resolution.

 With an emphasis on scalability, security, and cost-effectiveness, our solution is tailored to elevate your marketplace’s performance and responsiveness while keeping it resilient in the face of evolving demands.

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