
Your Marketplace Solution on AWS

A CloudCrafted Solution Overview A look into streamlined marketplace web hosting with our AWS solutions. Experience reliable, scalable, and secure infrastructure tailored for peak traffic. Say goodbye to idle hardware costs and hello to optimized capital use, aligning IT costs with your marketplace’s dynamic traffic patterns in real-time. Architecture Diagram Basic Overview of Services Used …

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State-Owned Investment Funds: Their Importance and the role of Tech

INTRODUCTION For the past 10 years Norway has consistently managed to grab a position in the top 10 of the World Happiness Index Report. A key factor behind this achievement is Norway’s prudent management of its funds, enabling the provision of exceptional benefits to its citizens. These include top-tier unemployment benefits, extensive paid parental leave, …

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Implementation of Typescript-based React Library

“Contributing to the Applications gives me a sense of purpose and value.” This document explains how to integrate the Design Library into a React application using Bitbucket as the package hosting platform. The integration process consists of creating new components in the UI library, setting up a deployment pipeline, consuming the design library, and updating …

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Typescript-based React Library Setup

How to create a TypeScript-based React library Web development is constantly evolving, and TypeScript and React are two technologies that offer agility and precision. In this article, we will explore how to set up a TypeScript-based React library from scratch. Let’s set a project or for default settings

Why UI Library?

A UI library is a valuable asset for software development projects. It consists of pre-designed, reusable components and patterns that improve the consistency, efficiency, and maintainability of user interfaces in different applications. Here’s why creating a UI library is important  There are many benefits of building a UI library, below are the tools used with …

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Designing Consistency: The Unified Approach to UX/UI

Why Unified User Experience? Unified User Experience Design (UXD) is an approach to designing user interfaces and interactions that aims to create a consistent and seamless experience across different platforms and devices. It involves integrating various elements, such as visual design, interaction design, and information architecture, to ensure a cohesive and intuitive user experience. Our …

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Rebasing and Connecting the Prisma to an existing Database

Rebasing and Connecting the Prisma to an existing Database: Suppose you already have a database, and you already have some data in it. How to connect that database with your Prisma without losing all of your precious data? this will create the Prisma files. Create the following folder and files -> This will populate the …

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Set Up Prometheus and Grafana: Your Comprehensive Guide

1. Prometheus setup: Prometheus is a robust open-source monitoring tool that provides valuable insights into system health and performance. In this brief guide, we’ll show you how to set up Prometheus quickly for monitoring your infrastructure. We’ll install Prometheus, configure it with a custom domain, implement an Nginx reverse proxy, secure it with SSL certificates …

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